Today's Video Share: Push Pull by Lia Menaker

With a voice described by critics as "soulful, haunting," "soothing and accessible", Lia Menaker has emerged onto the singer-songwriter scene as a soulful storyteller, infusing edgy poetry and a theatrical flair into a musical blend of pop, rock, and blue-eyed soul. Think Amy Winehouse meets Fiona Apple in an old cabaret club.

In her newest release ''Push Pull', Menaker sings about the frustrating back and forth emotions one feels in an unhealthy, push-pull type of relationship. One moment, you feel love and affection that feels very honest and real, and the next moment, that same partner pushes you away in fear. The song came after an intense relationship Menaker experienced while trying online dating; it was a way for her to say everything she wanted to say to the guy but never quite had the courage to say.

Twitter Handle: liamenaker