Today's Video Share: You're Invited by Gilda House

You're Invited is the title track and theme of the Gilda House debut EP. This song, EP, and music video serve two purposes. The first is literal - YOU really are invited! I'll be here every day jamming to the tune of complex feelings and living a life in service of sharing music and building community. Music is a great way to be a friend and a constant reminder that we're never really alone in our struggles. The second purpose of this EP is for me as an individual. I needed to invite myself to let go of unhealthy fears and worry. I needed to forgive myself for squashing my own joy. These songs serve as reminders about my priorities and living the life that I want to live because the truth is, I will always need reminders too. I hope these songs inspire others to let go of unhealthy habits and own their joy. For those of you already owning your joy, these songs are for celebrating that with you, because that's amazing and you're amazing.