Today's Video Share: Violin Passionata by Ute Passionflower

Ute Apfelstedt, a.k.a. Ute Passionflower, is a crossover violinist and singer-songwriter from Amsterdam. She has played all over the world, from TEDx Amsterdam Women to Sensation White and released four albums as Ute Apfelstedt (The Edge Of Love, 2020), Passion Flower (Born For Love, 2015) and Ute Passionflower (Cover Me, 2016). Her mission is to spread the spirit of love, peace and freedom with her music.

The song, Violin Passionata, is the opening song on her album Cover Me by Ute Passionflower. It speaks of the passion for life that lives inside each of us.

As an artist and mother of twins, Ute wants to evoke a nurturing presence across our hearts and our planet. Her message: Forever be Love. Tune yourself and you'll tune the world.

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P.S. On Mother's Day, may this song empower all mothers in the world to help them reconnect with their soul passion and the nurturing power of Mother Earth, where divine Spirit is ready to give and heal, so we as mothers can recharge and continue giving, growing and generating PEACE, LOVE and FREEDOM.

Twitter Handle: uteviolin