Today's Video Share: "Way Too Controlling" by Lauren St James

Lauren St. James is a British Pop Singer, Songwriter and Producer from London offering up fun, sassy and empowering songs that promise to get anyone out of a bad mood.

'Way Too Controlling' is Lauren's 4th single and it is the epitome of female empowerment. The song represents Lauren's unflinching attitude towards controlling behaviour and shows her audience that she stands for strength, independence and equality.

‘Way Too Controlling’ is an upbeat, sassy Pop Latino song perfect for the summer and, to make it even more exciting, it comes with a GOLDEN RETRIEVER MUSIC VIDEO featuring 30 Golden Retrievers!

Due to the Covid-19 epidemic, Lauren had to take initiative when creating this video, and Lauren had the genius idea of doing a homemade video with her many Golden Retrievers, which promises to be the cutest viral video of 2020.

Twitter Handle: laurensjmusic