Today's Video Share: "Wintergrass" by Kathy Bogle

Wintergrass is a song about missing someone who is no longer in your life. For me, it's about missing my children who have all moved on with their lives far away from me. I am Kathy Bogle. I wrote, performed, and produced this song. As I work on a video for one of my songs, I review hundreds of photos and videos looking for interpretive pieces to string together in meaningful ways. Sometimes I have an idea before I start, sometimes I shoot photos/videos to suit my ideas, other times I don't have a clue and just allow the media to take me where it will. I had some ideas for this video as it was pretty personal for me. I recalled some photos I'd taken on my last trip to Nevada, of the long road ahead. I remembered a few weeks before writing the song, I went for a drive and saw a pair of bald eagles perched in a dead tree, and I longed for one of my children to be there sharing it with me. When I started looking at photos I found the picture of a sneaker like one of my kids loved to wear. So, there are a lot of thoughts portrayed in the video. I hope you all enjoy it!