Today's Video Share: "Sirens" by From Venus

From Venus is a new project from musician and creator Abi Crista D’Arcy (Vocals, Ukulele, Synth, beats).

 An ethereal singer-songwriter; From Venus features lo-fi beats and synth tinged Folk, Trip-pop, that is layered with catchy and emotive lyrics.

 Promising a journey of discovery, contemplation and rejuvenation for the listener, From Venus produces sincere soundscapes that capture the essence of hope and change. With an ethos that is centred on principles of love, equality, awakening, belonging, and unity, From Venus leans on a diverse and eclectic palate of earthly musical genres delineated as Folk, Electronica, Rhythm, Blues, Soul and Pop.

 This is a homemade video to accompany latest release ‘Sirens’, released June 26th 2020 features the lyric - ‘There's a Siren in the dark it calls out to all of us’ evoking themes of global awakening and change forming from the current global crisis.

Twitter Handle: fromvenusmusic