Today's Video Share: "Boy of A 1000 Tears" by Neu Sierra

Boy Of A 1000 Tears — 'Sulphur and Molasses' also includes the romantic noise-ballad 'Boy of A 1000 Tears', a song with almost 40 years worth of history, since Nils Lassen - who also happens to be the producer of the EP - first sang it to his then girlfriend. The song has since been in the hands of some of Denmark's most prominent artists and producers. The song becomes something both filthy and grand as Neu Sierra breathes life into its thousand tears. The video for 'Boy of a 1000 Tears', edited by the singer herself, is cut from footage of abandoned refugee camps in both Syria, Afghanistan and Greece.

"To me it's really a universal song of comfort. It's about wanting what's best for the 'boy of a 1000 tears' and all the other sad souls out there. I know I'm not alone in feeling powerless about how our elected representatives handle refugees. The video kind of became postcards from abandoned refugee camps, culminating in an eerily fascinating rain of missiles, that might as well have been fireworks at a wedding. And once again Afghanistan is even back on everyone's mind, which is just more proof of the futility of war" tells the singer.