Today's Video Share: "Star of the Unknown" by Azariah

Well folks this is exciting! DEBUTING THEIR FIRST-EVER SINGLE RELEASE “RIGHT HERE!” “TONIGHT!” ON WOS Radio is a duo from Las Vegas, Nevada. Our female vocalist is Gayla Dawn from the Collin County Area, of North Texas. She grew up singing country music, toured outside of the United States as a rock n’ roll singer and entertainer, after facing multiple devastations she completely stopped singing for over five years, prayed and renewed her faith in Christ, and 2021 she starting leading Sunday Morning Worship services in the name of Jesus Christ!

Her partner Darin T. Bradford is a Concert Pianist, Stunt Man, and Master Martial Artist from Springfield, Missouri. Together they are known as “AZARIAH” it’s a unique name which means “helped by God”. It’s a sweet reminder of the strength that lies in the helping hand of our Lord and Savior.

Gayla Dawn wanted me to highlight that it is an honor for her to be featured right here on, “Women of Substance” Radio because a woman of substance is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness.

Right here and right now, AZARIAH’S debut single is being played for the very first time on “WOS” radio so without further ado let this spirt of their song, “STAR OF THE UNKNOWN”, fill your heart with the true meaning of Christmas because God sent a little baby boy to save mankind and they call him Emmanuel.