Today's Video Share: "Whistle Blower" by Jen Ayers

'Whistle Blower' asks who are we? How do we choose to present ourselves out in the world? Sometimes we want to be seen. Sometimes we don’t. How are we perceived? How do we dress ourselves for the outside world to express or disguise who we really are inside? How does it feel for women and transwomen to walk through the world being considered, watched, cat-called? Don’t we all want to be free to just be who we are? A vocal dynamo, pianist, songwriter and recording artist, Jen Ayers toured extensively with indie alt-rock band Honey Tongue, performing at high-profile festivals (Bumbershoot, Summerfest) and prestigious music conference showcases (SXSW, Nashville, EAT’M-Las Vegas, Canada’s New Music West). The band released 3 albums followed by Jen’s first solo album, "Every Day is a Parade" in 2012. Jen's first solo album in ten years, "SHe Said" is a concept album and theatrical production about identity and transition. Eight years ago, Jen’s partner came out as transgender, which led to an unexpected journey of self - as individuals, as a couple, and as parents of an 8-year-old. Jen turned to her piano where SHe Said was born – a 21st century love story that deals with the impact of gender identity on a family and couple who transition together. Spoiler: Love prevails.

Twitter Handle: JenAyers