Today's Video Share: A Son With a Gun by Linda Mckenzie

So your boy tells you he's joining the military. This video might reveal what could go through the mind of a mother when she learns this news. Linda Mckenzie is one such Army mom and singer/songwriter who wrote the song initially using music as her therapy. When her young son announced he was going to join the military and become a "Soldier", this song was born at the songwriter’s kitchen table. A heartfelt look at what “A Son With A Gun” feels like to one such mom. Track# 4 of the songwriters album, “Along the Way" features the song which is dedicated to mothers of soldiers everywhere. A portion of the sales from this album benefits “The Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc.”, which is a 501(c)3 National Organization. You can Listen to Linda Mckenzie's music here: (enjoy a free song download while you’re there!)