Today's Video Share: "Two Kids in the City" by Ed & Carol Nicodemi

This is a lively song about children from everywhere around the world, who play with one another freely and easily. Children embrace color. New languages. All they want to do is be with other kids who want to be kind to them. Who want to share friendship. Adults have a lot to learn from children. This is especially timely, with the state of the current racial tension in our country. The dreamers. All of it. Ed and Carol Nicodemi are proud to present this video, Two Kids In The City. The song has most recently been included in a Spotify playlist with revered Children's Music artists. The song is also included as part of a Multicultural Songbook, available on the Children's Music Network website. It is included in Carol Nicodemi's CD "It Goes This Way,' Elyse Orecchio, Ed and Carol's talented daughter, is partner singing with Carol on this song. Ed and Carol would like to credit Joe Orecchio for his stellar cinematography, taking this song to the next level. Ed and Carol Nicodemi are primarily a folk-jazz vocal and guitar/piano duo, and this song is another layer of who they are as musicians. Catch more of them on their website: and on their Nicodemi Soundtrack You Tube Channel.

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Twitter Handle: CarolNicodemi