Today's Video Blog: "The Soul of America" by Mairead

Singer/songwriter Mairead is an Artist of Integrity, Vision and Passion. Born and raised in Dublin Ireland she has been living and performing in the US for close to the last 3 decades. This is her most recent single- The Soul Of America - she wrote it in 2017 just after coming off tour for her newest Album Burn For Love - she said she sat at the piano and it just poured out. As an immigrant to this country and now a citizen she felt that the current situation in the US was a challenge on every level to excavate what this country really represents to itself and the world. We are known as the land of the free and the home of the brave where liberty and justice should be available to all but the reality is that we are currently very far from that ideal. The song and the video is a prayer and a plea to our higher ideals and that the dream of what America is and still can become is a reality that we can manifest together.