Today's Video Share: "Studio Apartment" by Elizabeth Moen

Elizabeth Moen has shared "Studio Apartment" from her Creature of Habit EP. The Chicago-based singer says, “I love the storytelling aspect of country way back when. So I said f**k it and wrote a ballad about someone moving to a city to ‘make it.’” Ironically, she wrote “Studio Apartment” while living in her aunt’s basement, a place she could only make-believe was her own. Throughout the song, Moen explores the tendency of humans (including herself) to romanticize their struggles in order to survive. Drawing poetic comparisons in common sufferings — like accepting inhumanely small living quarters in a big city to “make it” or self-deluding about a one night stand’s potential for love — Moen says “it’s about pretending it’s all more than what it really is.” Through an emotionally expanding melody, a bold key change, and open- hearted belting, she sums it up acutely: “Hold me like you mean it pretend this would work and we’ve both living our dreams.”

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