Today's Video Share: "Happy" by Allison Thomas

This video was created to bring some "Happy" reminding us that "Happy" starts with me even in these strange and oppressive times.

Allexion X (Allison Thomas) from the Bronx is the featured singer. The creator of the video is Cindy Sladek. The writers and publishers of the sound track are Sync It Music Productions in partnership with World Fusion Music Productions LLC. We of Sync It Music Productions own 100% of the master and 100% of the publishing. We have equal splits and are all registered as writers and publishers with ASCAP or BMI. We are Cindy Sladek, Allison Thomas, Ian T Cahill, and Susan C Luther. We would like to see this song shared. We are more interested in the message than the $. It is an international video and a message for the world. We all need some "Happy" right now.