Today's Video Share: "I Believe We Will Win" by Valerie Orth

"Valerie Orth inspires listeners to shake off self-doubt and detractors so that they can take control of their lives and relationships... Musically, these songs move with the same kind of energy and thoughtfulness that radiates from Orth." (Consequence of Sound) Amidst the madness of 2020, when nothing is certain and we all struggle to find hope for the future, we need artists like art-pop songwriter/guitarist/producer Valerie Orth. For years she’s been writing songs inspired by challenges we’re all up against, both political and personal, and her latest single, “I Believe We Will Win” could not be more timely. Orth writes with a strong sense of self and a fierce feminist perspective, telling stories about alienated humanity and visions of a better tomorrow. Orth says “I Believe” is meant to “give hope that if we continue to make our voices heard, justice and change will come.” On this driving new single, there is not only a collage of genres (a trademark of Orth’s upcoming album), from hip hop to folk, there are also voices from Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas, honing in on the message that while we’re protesting locally, we’re in this together globally.

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