Making the video for “St. Patrick’s Breastplate” was one of the highlights of my life! The song itself is based on the ancient prayer of Saint Patrick from the fifth century A.D.. According to legend, Saint Patrick was facing enemies who were going to kill him but he prayed this prayer and was kept safe.
I never dreamed I would get to film a video for the song in Northern Ireland singing in some of the very places where Saint Patrick lived and worked! There is no green screen used in this production - I am actually singing on location!
The videographer heard the song and pictured a medieval sword fight. Fortunately. He knew some professional sword fighters who worked on the set of the Game of Thrones television show. So we hired them and staged a sword fight!
The final scene in front of Dunluce Castle was very moving for me. It had been raining and dreary, but just before I sang the sun burst out from behind the castle. There wasn’t a dry eye behind the camera that day!
Twitter Handle: Jeanwatsonmusic