Today's Video Share: "The Christmas Song" by Ed and Carol Nicodemi

The Christmas holidays last year were awful. The pandemic was at its peak and the streets of NYC looked like a ghost town. Families didn't get together, except perhaps outdoors to quickly exchange gifts and return to the safety of their own homes. This year...New York City is back! Most everyone is vaccinated, many two or three times! Though not perfect, the streets are once again aglow and filled with people, holiday shopping, eating out at restaurants, meeting up with friends and family. Going to the theatre, the opera, concerts, sporting's all back. People are cooking together, decorating, and feeling a whole lot more human. So Ed and I felt that 'The Christmas Song' would be the best choice for a holiday song video this year, It describes how we 'waited through Spring and Fall; and now we're celebrating a magical return to the Christmas we knew. 'Chestnuts roasting on an open Fire..' Musical comfort food. We are Ed and Carol Nicodemi, a vocal and guitar folk/jazz duo, born and bred in NYC, so this is especially meaningful to us. Follow us on our Nicodemi Soundtrack YouTube Channel, which is growing in leaps and bounds. Check us out at our website, and join our mailing list. We wish you and your loved ones a very happy and healthy holiday season.

Twitter Handle: kanary48