Lady Alderney — She’s a lady, she’s a songwriter, she’s an artist. She sees strength in kindness. Her songs are deeply embedded in the idea that if we all reached out to each other in kindness instead of fear, the world would be a richer and more beautiful place. She’s been around the music world a little while, quietly working behind the scenes, co-writing and supporting her fellow artists around the world to become the best artists they can be. For Lady Alderney sees no competition. She knows there is a home for every one of us who is brave enough to share our light, our hearts and our gifts with the world.
Kinder Eyes — Lady Alderney’s second single (as heard on The Young And The Restless). Life can be tough at the best of times without any added complications. When Lady Alderney faced her own challenges she also tried to help those around her as much as she could. As she did this, she found there was a strength inside of her she did not know she had, that bubbled up and flowed through her, that helped her to get through to the other side of each challenge, stronger and wiser. Looking around her, she saw this happening in others too. It was then she began to understand, appreciate and be grateful for the amazing ability people have to face anything and everything we need to, each in our own special, unique and wonderful way. Lady Alderney realised how much easier it is to recognise this in others and how hard it is to see in ourselves, until we start to look at ourselves with Kinder Eyes.
Twitter Handle: ladyalderney