Today's Video Share: "Perfect for Me" (Mother's Day Song) by Kristine Cox

Music has always been a big part of my life. I was trained classically, performed lead roles in many operas while in college, then went on to become a vocal coach, a music director and play leading roles in musical theater. 5 years ago, I began writing more music. My music has been described as inspirational with classic vocals and a bit of a spiritual vibe.

I wrote this song because we often compare our worst to everyone else at their best. The truth is, there is no such thing as the perfect woman or the perfect mother, so perhaps we need to change our perspective.

I hope that this song will help us to celebrate womanhood and motherhood in a different way. I want women everywhere to understand that, while we are not perfect, we are perfectly suited to influence those who are placed in our path! God knows what He is doing. We are the mother, step-mother, grandmother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, neighbor, teacher and/or friend that we are for a reason! Women have an amazing, innate gift to lead, lift, nurture and love those around them. And that, my dear friends, is something to celebrate!