Today's Video Share: "Katydid" by Marianne Kesler

Marianne Kesler is a singer-songwriter currently living in Dayton OH. She writes mostly in the folk/pop genre.

“Katydid” is a follow-up to her single, “Dragonfly”. In both songs, she borrows characteristics of the insects and applies them in a tongue-in-cheek way to human behavior. So, while the dragonfly is very beautiful, it is also a predator. Katydids are primarily nocturnal, "she disappears all day, then at night came out to play", and the song takes a playful look at a fickle love interest. Do you know what Katydid? Marianne wrote, performed, and recorded, this second of the two songs which she fondly jokes are her "bug collection" ;)

Marianne has five album projects and numerous singles available online for streaming and download sales. Her website is When not writing songs, you may find her performing solo acoustic gigs (often outdoors, barefoot) at various venues in the Dayton and Yellow Springs areas.

Twitter Handle: mariannekesler