Today's Video Share: "On the Other Side" by Kristine Cox

This song holds special meaning for me because at the time I was writing it, my dad's health was declining rapidly. I'll never forget holding his hand and singing this song to him during the last moments of lhis ife. He couldn't speak or open his eyes at the time, but he would squeeze my hand and it was a special moment that we shared.

Sometimes it seems like life is full of pain, but when we get to "the other side" of our challenges, we can see how far we have come, knowing that we are stronger for having climbed that mountain!

And then....we climb the next one. Sometimes excited and running toward the challenge; other times struggling to take the smallest steps. Sometimes sure of our way; other times figuring it out by trial and error. Sometimes basking in the beauty; other times weathering storms. Sometimes reaching a peak; other times slipping and falling, but rising again to finish the journey.

When this life has come and gone, I believe we will look back on this life, grateful that we have tasted the bitter and the sweet, for both will have made us the best we can be.

Today's Video Share: "Kinder Eyes" by Lady Alderney

Lady Alderney — She’s a lady, she’s a songwriter, she’s an artist. She sees strength in kindness. Her songs are deeply embedded in the idea that if we all reached out to each other in kindness instead of fear, the world would be a richer and more beautiful place. She’s been around the music world a little while, quietly working behind the scenes, co-writing and supporting her fellow artists around the world to become the best artists they can be. For Lady Alderney sees no competition. She knows there is a home for every one of us who is brave enough to share our light, our hearts and our gifts with the world.

Kinder Eyes — Lady Alderney’s second single (as heard on The Young And The Restless). Life can be tough at the best of times without any added complications. When Lady Alderney faced her own challenges she also tried to help those around her as much as she could. As she did this, she found there was a strength inside of her she did not know she had, that bubbled up and flowed through her, that helped her to get through to the other side of each challenge, stronger and wiser. Looking around her, she saw this happening in others too. It was then she began to understand, appreciate and be grateful for the amazing ability people have to face anything and everything we need to, each in our own special, unique and wonderful way. Lady Alderney realised how much easier it is to recognise this in others and how hard it is to see in ourselves, until we start to look at ourselves with Kinder Eyes.

Twitter Handle: ladyalderney

Today's Video Share: "A Little Imagination" by Lillias White

The Bluestone Sisters' "A Little Imagination" from their Emmy Award-winning musical, THE ODD POTATO, get a "jazzy makeover" on her new album, GET YOURSELF SOME HAPPY by Tony and Emmy award-winner, Lillias White. With music by Gail C. Bluestone, lyrics by Eileen Bluestone Sherman, and an incredible new arrangement by the late Timothy Graphenreed (one of the creatives of the iconic WIZ), Lillias creates a new "showstopper" on this playlist of favorites from Rock, Blues, Jazz, and Broadway. Available at

Twitter Handle: EBSoriginals

Today's Video Share: "Winter Song" by SNEZ

If you’re not familiar with Australian singer/songwriter and storyteller, Snez’s extensive catalogue yet, her first single, ‘Winter song’, from the long awaited 4th album ‘Fisher on the Sea’ is acoustic magic. Intensely warm and bitterly cold at the same time, filled with melancholic imagery, as if you’re sitting by the fire waiting for the bite of wintertime to pass quickly. Her farewell song to the mystical winter magic of the Blue Mountains.

Recorded in the Mid North Coast at Soundshed Music, with well renowned Producer Stewart Peters. ‘What I like about Snez is she’s not trying to be or sound like anyone else, her loyalty lies with the characters in her stories and making sure their story is told authentically’, Peters comments.

'Fisher on the Sea' released February 2021

Twitter Handle: snezmusic

Today's Video Share: "Liminal" by Cedars

The song is about moving through the world as a woman and how it’s felt like we’ve gone backward in recent years. It’s about all the ways we’ve been conditioned to operate to survive and how, sometimes, even in that survival, we’re part of perpetuating those damaging narratives.

It’s also a song of hope. Hope for our daughters and sons and that things can be different. The chorus is simply “This is a water hymn, up from the bottom….again.”

That was my way of speaking to the many ways I’ve had to resurrect and reinvent myself over and over as a woman. In relationships, in business, in my art. As a mother, as a partner, as a human. We have so much weight on us to be everything, and nothing, at the same time.

We gathered 35+ women from all over and and embarked on making the themes of this song come to life visually.

Twitter Handle: cedarstheband

Today's Video Share: "Rose + Crown" by AMMO

Dreamy and darkly melodic artist AMMO presents the spellbinding but eerie video for Rose + Crown, premiered via Directed by AMMO herself, co-filmed by Christopher Slater, this hypnotic clip plays out like a Lynchian lullaby, enveloped in gentle red-hued psychedelic gauze, with masked apparitions, along with AMMO's own captivating visage.

AMMO is a rock and roll photographer, multi-instrumental musician, and songwriter who spent her youth ditching school in lieu of delving through bins at record stores and scouring the LA music and art scene in hopes of running into like-minds. Her music has been said to “shackle the living or free the dead…” (Grimy Goods) by creating mystical magnetic soundscapes – “the kind of music that should soundtrack a sand-dune-to-shoreline road movie by David Lynch” (LA Record).

Twitter Handle: missammo

Today's Video Share: "Tomorrow" by Lady Alderney

Lady Alderney - She’s a lady, she’s a songwriter, she’s an artist. She sees strength in kindness. Her songs are deeply embedded in the idea that if we all reached out to each other in kindness instead of fear, the world would be a richer and a more beautiful place. She’s been around the music world a little while, quietly working behind the scenes, co-writing and supporting her fellow artists around the world to become the best artists they can be for Lady Alderney sees no competition. She knows there is a home for every one of us who is brave enough to share our light, our hearts and our gifts with the world.

Tomorrow - Lady Alderney's single, feat. Madsdevallia No one has been untouched by the events of 2020-21. It’s been tough on everyone.. Lady Alderney and Madsdevallia both belong to a weekly songwriting group. One week, when their weekly song was due, Madsdevallia posted a forlorn looking picture of a music stand with lyrics, handwritten in a book, resting on its ledge. Under the picture she shared her heartache and tears, saying she didn’t have it in her to record her song. Lady Alderney reached out to Madsdevallia and asked her to cowrite the next week’s song with her - no expectations, no pressure. All Madsdevallia needed to do was to chat to Lady Alderney and trust that something beautiful would come of it. The result of this trust, this collaboration, is Lady Alderney’s powerful single, Tomorrow.

Twitter Handle: ladyalderney

Today's Video Share: "There's Still Time" by Raquel Aurilia

Raquel Aurilia has followed her passion of songwriting and performing with incredible highlights including touring opening 25 cities for John Waite. Aurilia was recently honored as a Hollywood Music in Media Award nominee for singer-songwriter. Her music has been featured on MTV’s hit TV shows “The Hills,” “The City” and “Taking the Stage.”

Twitter Handle: raquelaurilia

Today's Video Share: "Corona You Make Me Sick" by Lady J Huston

Singer/Songwriter/Trumpeter, Lady J Huston, presents a different twist on the pandemic with her composition, "Corona You Make Me Sick!". The song speaks to the human spirit and helps to release the frustration through song & dance. In the end, you will feel like partying the night away and ready to embrace our new normal.

Lady J is a multi-award winning artist & greatly influenced by her years touring with Blues legend, Albert King. She reigned as Las Vegas Queen of Blues and has returned to her roots of St. Louis, MO where her band has exploded on the music as a must see show.

Lady J was classically trained, majoring in Music Theory/Composition at the University of Kansas and Howard University. She earned a B.S.B A. at the University of Redlands, CA.

She's also a patient advocate appearing on ABC World News Tonight, local & national news outlets & created the Facebook group, Black Corona Lives Matter to address this demographic's issues surrounding the pandemic.

She has a big heart, compassion, and loves sharing her music as a Songstress and Entertainer to uplift and bring joy to all.

More info at:

Follow: @LADYJHUSTON on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn

Twitter Handle: ladyjhuston

Today's Video Share: "He Said" by DAJANA

Dealing with the breakup of a long loved high school sweetheart, lead to this upbeat Synthpop ballot by Dajana. His promises were never kept, so she had to face reality and let go of believing in lies and disrespect, just to hold on to her nostalgic fantasies of living the fairytail dreams of marring her high school love.

Currently Dajana has an upcoming EP that host her new single "He Said", a Synthpop dance ballet that time warps you into the mid to late 80's. Her guitar riffs over synthesizer & mellow bass; sets the perfect tone for a classic hit.

Today's Video Share: "We Love Us!" by Lark

Lark describes her sound as human to human music. Channeling early Madonna through a Latin vibe she makes music that feeds the good time energy, hooks you straight into a world with shiny urban beach pop. It's the sound of colour, cocktails, sunsets and sunrises. The glitter and sweat of party people. The real world fantasy of getting down and getting on. Turning everything up beyond eleven.
We Love Us! serves up a heavier beat, floating shimmering vocal and deliciously echoes an exotic underworld of late night bars and sunrise morning cars. Lark channels a Miami Beach party vibe so jump onboard the pink Cadillac bandwagon because We Love Us!

Today's Video Share: "Hope" by Suede

2020 challenged us all in ways we couldn't have previously imagined. We had to discover how to navigate so much unknown, profound, territory - and find our strength, our resilience, and Hope (by Jason Robert Brown.) Suede is a multi-instrumentalist (piano, guitar & trumpet, publicly - wink.) But she is predominantly a song stylist and entertainer. Voice is her first instrument. She has been an indie artist with her own company, Easily Suede Music, since 1983, making her full living with music since taking that leap. She can be found on Facebook at and SuedeWave. She tours nationally and internationally with her trio, up to a 12 piece bigband and as a guest artist with various symphonies nationwide. She is based on Cape Cod in Massachusetts.

Twitter Handle: SuedeWave

Today's Video Share: "Bleed Red (The Period Anthem)" by Zuilee a.k.a Juilee lav

"Bleed Red" is a Period Anthem, first of its kind, a melodious pop ballad about Menstruation. The Music Video shares a very strong social message about Menstruation & why it matters along with the experience of going through period & the stigma attached to it. For example, In many poor & developing countries, women face personal & social obstacles such as basic needs for menstrual hygiene not being met, i.e lack of sanitary pads etc. The Period Song simply stands for Female Empowerment. An attempt to create & spread awareness & ask for such a natural phenomenon to be respected. Like the song goes: "Respect my right to bleed red, I take pride in bleeding Red."

Zuilee is an independent Singer-Song writer hailing from Mumbai, India. She began her Music Career in 2018 with her debut pop single ‘Please Set me Free’. She is also a socially responsible artist, not afraid of bringing world causes to light in an attempt to make an impact on the world.

Ig: @zzuilee