Today's Video Share: "The Circus" by Morningstar

Our mission as a band is to promote authenticity, healing and raise the conversation around mental health. The Circus seeks to help people recognize where they may be experiencing pain because they are trying to “keep up with the joneses,” where they’ve become hollow with judging people on the outside. The song is a call out for healing through internal liberation “only from within, you’ll liberate.”

Today's Video Share: "Easier and Easier" by Michele Osten

Anglo-American NOT just jazz vocalist and band leader Michele Osten announces the worldwide release of her NEW single and video, EASIER AND EASIER (MP3 can be found attached). Produced by Los Angeles based Bryan Dobbs; a bittersweet tune about letting go, marks Michele’s second collaboration with Los Angeles based songwriter and composer, Denise Dimin.

“I have spent the last twenty years re-igniting my love for music and cultivating my career as a live performer and now independent recording artist. EASIER AND EASIER is my third professional single released since September 2021. “It’s a huge accomplishment for me and I couldn’t be more thrilled with how things are progressing,” said Michele.

“What I love about collaborating with Michele is the breadth of what she does with a panoply of songs and genres. She’s afraid of nothing and chooses to make each song her own!” said Denise Dimin, the song’s composer. “She infuses her impeccable sensibilities and breathes her own groove into a song that was originally written as a slow wrenching (heartbreak) ballad! Now it keeps the set list moving and lightens the mood, while retaining all the heartfelt emotion I intended. Brava!”

EASIER AND EASIER is Michele’s second collaboration with Denise Dimin. The first being EASE AWAY SLOWLY which was released September 2021. Both tunes are now a regular addition to her live and online repertoire.

Twitter Handle: micheleosten1

Today's Video Share: "Am I Missing Something?" by Rebecca Turmel

On the heels of the successful release of her debut single “Am I Missing Something,” New Hampshire singer-songwriter Rebecca Turmel has unveiled the accompanying video Describing the song as one that “expresses vulnerability, love, and loss,” she says the video (produced by Anthony Riso) showcases the reflective state she was in when writing the track.

“The video was primarily shot in the same field I took the picture at for the cover art, but it also includes the storyline of a romantic relationship from the beginning to end—including the aftermath of the betrayal I discuss in the song,” said Turmel.

Twitter Handle: Rebeccaturmelmusic

Today's Video Share: "This Year" by Raw Honey

Raw Honey's signature folk-soul sound blends mesmerizing harmonies with graceful musicianship to create gritty sweet music medicine. With original songs that speak to the joy and struggle of the human experience, this music points to what lives beneath the surface in all of us. This Year - was written in the depths of lockdown when our band could only meet and collaborate remotely. It describes the darkness of the season, and the hope and joy that comes from connection.

Today's Video Share: "Faking Parties" by Amelie Jat

Independent pop-punk artist Amelie Jat makes waves with her newest anthemic single, “Faking Parties,” out September 9th alongside a contagiously energetic music video. “Faking Parties,” at its core, reflects the initial anxiety of developing a crush and the unhinged lengths we can be willing to go to in effort to procrastinate expressing our true feelings when it’s too soon to tell if they’ll feel the same way.

Twitter Handle: ameliepjat

Today's Video Share: "Star of the Unknown" by Azariah

Well folks this is exciting! DEBUTING THEIR FIRST-EVER SINGLE RELEASE “RIGHT HERE!” “TONIGHT!” ON WOS Radio is a duo from Las Vegas, Nevada. Our female vocalist is Gayla Dawn from the Collin County Area, of North Texas. She grew up singing country music, toured outside of the United States as a rock n’ roll singer and entertainer, after facing multiple devastations she completely stopped singing for over five years, prayed and renewed her faith in Christ, and 2021 she starting leading Sunday Morning Worship services in the name of Jesus Christ!

Her partner Darin T. Bradford is a Concert Pianist, Stunt Man, and Master Martial Artist from Springfield, Missouri. Together they are known as “AZARIAH” it’s a unique name which means “helped by God”. It’s a sweet reminder of the strength that lies in the helping hand of our Lord and Savior.

Gayla Dawn wanted me to highlight that it is an honor for her to be featured right here on, “Women of Substance” Radio because a woman of substance is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness.

Right here and right now, AZARIAH’S debut single is being played for the very first time on “WOS” radio so without further ado let this spirt of their song, “STAR OF THE UNKNOWN”, fill your heart with the true meaning of Christmas because God sent a little baby boy to save mankind and they call him Emmanuel.


Today's Video Share: "Soldier's Song" by Lakotah

This is the video for the single "Soldier's Song (4th Street Version). It was created as a statement on war and its social consequences. Lakotah's politically-charged single 'Soldier's Song (4th Street Version)' produced by Sejo Navajas, was released in spring to International Radio and is featured on the upcoming Refugee Album Relief/Project.

Twitter Handle: lakotahmusic

Today's Video Share: "Ride On" by Kezia McNeal Curry

Born and raised in Atlanta, GA, the backdrop for the nation's struggle for equality, Kezia discovered the inherent power of music to aid in life's conflicts, and personally experienced that God is able to exchange "beauty for ashes". This live performance video features an old spiritual that has inspired hope even in the darkest of days.

Growing up, as a pastor's daughter, Kezia cultivated her God-given gift as part of the worship services and special events in the church and community. Her parents intentionally named her "Kezia" from the Bible which means "spicy". Her songs are "musical aromatherapy for the soul".

"Dr. K" as she is affectionately called by her students, passionately challenges and inspires teachers and students alike to use their sweet and savory backgrounds and experiences to reach their highest potential.

As a military spouse, she has unique opportunities to use her gifts and talents to uplift and encourage hearts around the world. Regardless of rank, race or religion, her music has something for everyone.

Twitter Handle: KeziaCurryMusic

Today's Video Share: "Little Girl" by Melissa D Moorhouse

Melissa D Moorhouse, better known as Melissa D, is from the green rolling hills of rustic Vermont,USA. She is a classically trained vocalist and former rock front-woman for The Alley Katz where she shared the stage with many talented musicians including Joe Moore(Pork Tornado -John Fishman's{Phish} band) and Benjamin Orr(The Cars). Melissa was also in a folk-rock collaboration called CHILL. Her song Little Girl (the title track off her recent solo EP release) was nominated by the InterContinental Music Awards as Best Song of America in the American Roots genre for 2021.

Twitter Handle: VTmadesongs

Today's Video Share: "Didn't See It Coming" by Sherilyn

Sherilyn is a Singer-Songwriter, Producer, and Music Career Coach based in Cayucos, CA. Known as “the girl with the big voice” with captivating stage presence, she got her first record deal at 19. After a season touring in the Contemporary Christian Music scene, she set out as an independently published pop alternative artist with her eyes set on pitching for music placements in TV, Ads, & Film. In January 2022, Sherilyn took her 25 years of music industry experience and launched an international, online 12-Week Music Career Bootcamp for aspiring singer-songwriters called Release Music Like a Pro. In her spare time [insert laughter here] Sherilyn hosts a podcast, "Have You Seen Me Now." The premise of her podcast is a product of her own journey.....that it's never too late to re-invent yourself. Find out more at

Twitter Handle: sherilynmusic

Today's Video Share: "Wild Soul" by Lynne Holloman

Crashing on earth after traveling light years through outer space via the 5th dimension, a fearsomely talented foursome found themselves in the small city of Richmond, Virginia, bursting with sonic ideas that were gradually converging into a shared vision. After some brief deliberation, a visionary female-fronted jam band called Lucid Evolution emerged from the musical ether, and have been hightailing it down the path towards achieving their destiny ever since.

Founded in the fall of 2021, Lucid Evolution is still in the early stages of their musical journey. Yet, in a short space of time, Lucid Evolution have built a strong following behind their unique, genre-bending sound, the product of the otherworldly synergy between frontwoman Lynne Holloman’s strong yet angelic vocals, lyrics, and keyboard skills, guitarist Shaun Neal’s psychedelic blues sensibilities, bassist Jake Lawrence’s ambient rock beats, and Brian Holloman’s creative soul percussion and backup vocals.

Blending elements of psychedelic, progressive, indie, and modern rock and channeling them through an amalgamation of musical philosophies from influences including Pink Floyd, Grateful Dead, Led Zeppelin, Radiohead, Fleetwood Mac, and Portishead, the band’s compositions confidently evoke feelings that seek to fill a void through lyrics, melodies and jams that are perfect for healing the soul.

Twitter Handle: Lucid_evolution

Today's Video Share: "Whistle Blower" by Jen Ayers

'Whistle Blower' asks who are we? How do we choose to present ourselves out in the world? Sometimes we want to be seen. Sometimes we don’t. How are we perceived? How do we dress ourselves for the outside world to express or disguise who we really are inside? How does it feel for women and transwomen to walk through the world being considered, watched, cat-called? Don’t we all want to be free to just be who we are? A vocal dynamo, pianist, songwriter and recording artist, Jen Ayers toured extensively with indie alt-rock band Honey Tongue, performing at high-profile festivals (Bumbershoot, Summerfest) and prestigious music conference showcases (SXSW, Nashville, EAT’M-Las Vegas, Canada’s New Music West). The band released 3 albums followed by Jen’s first solo album, "Every Day is a Parade" in 2012. Jen's first solo album in ten years, "SHe Said" is a concept album and theatrical production about identity and transition. Eight years ago, Jen’s partner came out as transgender, which led to an unexpected journey of self - as individuals, as a couple, and as parents of an 8-year-old. Jen turned to her piano where SHe Said was born – a 21st century love story that deals with the impact of gender identity on a family and couple who transition together. Spoiler: Love prevails.

Twitter Handle: JenAyers

Today's Video Share: "Dancing Angel" by Doris Williams

DORISANGEL performs music of love and healing from Celtic folk, Renaissance lute songs and Americana on her 8 course Renaissance lute and healing harp made by David Field. Her “Dancing Angel” song was a new moon song recorded spontaneously on Facebook. Her friend David Michalik then took that song to the computer and turned it into this song with several angels singing and dancing in a glorious atmosphere of healing vibrations - just like sitting and listening to several angels in a glorious beautiful acoustics of a church or cathedral.

Today's Video Share: "Golden Heels" by Neuron Shakers

Hello, here is Goldy Heels - the singer of the duo called - Neuron Shakers - presenting you a song born as an anthem for all those women out there who know that they have to stand up for who they are no matter what. The song represents my own experiences as a woman facing constant judgement, discrimination and sexist attitudes from all kinds of people throughout different countries and at different ages. We hope you can relate to the message of the lyrics fitting the visuals. Enjoy.

Twitter Handle: goldyheels